samedi 24 janvier 2015
Devenir photographe lors des mariages : une profession ?
jeudi 22 janvier 2015
Tips for Better Composition of Seascape Photographs
I do not believe that in photography there are absolute rules of composition, but it is undeniable that certain compositions work better than others. Why? Probably because our brain is the result of millions of years of evolution, and as in two dots and a line we recognize a face (you don’t believe me? Have […]
The post Tips for Better Composition of Seascape Photographs by Francesco Gola appeared first on Digital Photography School.
A Beginner’s Guide to Working With Flash Off-Camera
I spent the first three years of my photography career avoiding the use of speedlights off-camera because I couldn’t wrap my head around the concepts and science behind them. I tried to cover it up saying things like “I’m a natural light photographer.” or “I really don’t like the aesthetics of flash photography.” But then, […]
The post A Beginner’s Guide to Working With Flash Off-Camera by Gina Milicia appeared first on Digital Photography School.
mercredi 21 janvier 2015
8 Quotes From Master Photographer Ansel Adams and How You to Apply Them to Your Photography
The technology of photography has been evolving at a very rapid rate. Most of our cameras are almost obsolete by the time we purchase them! But one thing about photography hasn’t changed over the years and that is the art of photography. We can learn so much about the that from the masters of yester-years. Ansel Adams […]
The post 8 Quotes From Master Photographer Ansel Adams and How You to Apply Them to Your Photography by Bruce Wunderlich appeared first on Digital Photography School.
lundi 19 janvier 2015
The Workflow Process With Jonathan Skow
Vinpix joins us again on FBlog. He took Jonathon Skow aside to find out how the →
dimanche 18 janvier 2015
Sarah DeAnna On Working With Photographers
Sarah DeAnna, top fashion model, shares her experience working as a model for both male →
Creative View Photographie

Working as a group too is important and as teaching is involved, there no need to look anywhere else. You'll definitely need to check this out.
More on this also on known as CreativeView
samedi 17 janvier 2015
5 Quick Reasons to Use the Nifty Fifty for Landscape Photography
The 50mm prime lens, or as it’s more commonly known, the Nifty Fifty; we all know the name, even inexperienced photographers have likely heard of it. Most of us know it for its outstanding qualities; an inexpensive, quality, prime lens that is in plenty of photographers’ bags around the world, and one of the most […]
The post 5 Quick Reasons to Use the Nifty Fifty for Landscape Photography by Tim Gilbreath appeared first on Digital Photography School.
Body Image Of A Model With Sarah DeAnna
Top fashion model, speaker & author of the book “Supermodel YOU”, Sarah →
vendredi 16 janvier 2015
Weekly Photography Challenge – Music
This week the theme of the image collection was music – view the 35 magical musically inclined images here. Carrying forward, naturally your challenge this week will be involving music as well. That could look a few different ways depending on your own situation, what you have access to, and what’s in your area, including: […]
The post Weekly Photography Challenge – Music by Darlene Hildebrandt appeared first on Digital Photography School.
jeudi 15 janvier 2015
Initial impressions of the Nikon D750
When Nikon made their announcement just prior to Photokina in September of this year (2014) that they were launching the D750, my interest piqued, especially as the specs on paper were ticking all my requirement boxes. The price looked good too! I have had the Nikon D750 a little over two months now, but have […]
The post Initial impressions of the Nikon D750 by Sarah Hipwell appeared first on Digital Photography School.
Beginnings Of A Model With Sarah DeAnna
Today, we have top fashion model, speaker & author of the book →
Best of wedding photography in Switzerland
“Anyone can take a picture of poverty; it’s easy to focus on the dirt and hurt of the poor. It’s much harder—and much more needful—to pry under that dirt and reveal the beauty and dignity of people that, but for their birth into a place and circumstance different from our own, are just like ourselves. I want my images to tell the story of those people and to move us beyond pity to justice and mercy.”
― David duChemin
You can appreciate their work on their website on or by viewing this video
7 Steps to Stand Out from the Competition
mercredi 14 janvier 2015
Fashion Photography Lighting Is Overrated
We have a post by fashion photographer, Per Zennstrom on FPBlog. Per shares his thoughts →
Games Your Teenager Will Adore

mardi 13 janvier 2015
Photography Will Sell Anything Except For Photography
In this post, Per shares his thoughts with about the photography →
London bus strikes: The real reason your commute was so rubbish this morning
lundi 12 janvier 2015
London bus strike: Which routes are cancelled and why are drivers taking action?
Per Zennstrom’s Fashion Photography Tips
Today, we have a video by, Berlin-based fashion photographer, Per Zennstrom on FPBlog. In →
Great way to buy Facebook likes online with 4web2refer
We bet that social aspect of SEO will even be more important in 2015.
And have you heard something about the link diversity or the natural profile of your website ? Here's why Facebook auto likes are so important.
Having a natural growth of Facebook likes among other social factors provides value to your website.
And it’s been proven again and again, Google really loves that kind of backlinks.
This seo technique will inevitably improve your rankings.
dimanche 11 janvier 2015
Battle lines drawn over creation of 'metro mayor' for Liverpool
Six arrested after owner of Chinese restaurant Nelson Cheung, 65, slain in front of wife in car
How To Deal With Copyright Infringement
Per Zennstrom shares his experience with handling copyright infringement & shows how →
Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8 Review
Professional High Quality Pictures In Las Vegas Wedding Ceremony Photography
samedi 10 janvier 2015
David Cameron to discuss cyber crime threat with President Obama
The 1920s Shoot With Celeste Van Rooyen caught up with Photo of the Week winner, Celeste van Rooyen. →